Elisabeth Rain Kincaid is the Legendre-Soulé Chair in Business Ethics & Director of the Center for Ethics and Economic Justice at Loyola University New Orleans. In her teaching Dr. Kincaid draws upon her years of experience as a white-collar criminal defense attorney and a private equity professional, along with her research in virtue ethics, Jesuit moral theology, and Catholic Social Teaching to explore the challenges facing the ethical business professional today. As the Director of the Center for Ethics and Economic Justice, she is responsible for developing programs which provide Loyola business students the opportunity to pursue further formation in ethics and engage in the promotion of economic justice through study and service.
Dr. Kincaid has published broadly in peer-reviewed journals and popular publications. She is a frequent speaker at conferences, churches, and professional events. She is currently co-authoring a textbook on teaching virtue-based business ethics with several colleagues. Her research interests include numerous questions at the intersection of theology, business ethics, and law, as well as natural law theory, virtue ethics, socially responsible investment, Catholic Social Teaching, and early Jesuit economic and legal ethics. She is a Pedagogy Fellow for the Christ and Being Human Project at the Yale University Center for Faith and Culture.