Ryan Penney (Digital Content Manager at EWTN Global Catholic Network)

Ryan Penney

Digital Content Manager at EWTN Global Catholic Network

As the inaugural President of YCP Birmingham, Ryan Penney passed the baton onto his
successor, George Solis, last month, and now serves on the Board of the Chapter. After getting
married in February of this year and moving to Tampa, he was the first YCP Chapter President
to serve as President in one city while living 600 miles away in another state. He was also the
Emcee at this year’s YCP National Conference, Workers in the Vineyard. Professionally, Ryan is
the Digital Content Manager at EWTN Global Catholic Network, where he is focused exclusively
on the organization’s brand-new initiative, EWTN Next, and is working with some of the best
Catholic creatives and social media influencers to bring the most entertaining and inspiring
content to the next generation in the digital sphere. Having moved back to Birmingham, AL
later this summer with his daughter and his wife, whom he asked to be his girlfriend at the
2023 YCP National Conference, and who is now 7 months pregnant, he is expecting his baby
boy who is due in December.