Ned Berghausen (Theology chair and permanent deacon at Assumption High School and St. Agnes Catholic Parish)

Ned Berghausen

Theology chair and permanent deacon at Assumption High School and St. Agnes Catholic Parish

Dcn. Ned Berghausen is the Theology chair at Assumption High School and a permanent deacon at St. Agnes Catholic Parish in Louisville, KY. He received his M.A. in Theology from St. Meinrad School of Theology and his M.Ed. from the University of Notre Dame. He is married to Dr. Kate Bulinski, a paleontologist, and is the father of four children. He frequently teaches and preaches about the relationship between faith and science.

Kate Bulinski  (Associate Professor of Geosciences in the Department of Environmental Studies at Bellarmine University)

Kate Bulinski

Associate Professor of Geosciences in the Department of Environmental Studies at Bellarmine University

Dr. Kate Bulinski is an Associate Professor of Geosciences in the Department of Environmental Studies at Bellarmine University. She received her B.S. in Geoscience from Pennsylvania State University and her Ph.D. from the University of Cincinnati. In addition to her research and teaching efforts in geology and paleontology, Kate has an interest in exploring the intersectionality of faith and science, especially within the Catholic tradition, which she explores in her teaching, research and educational outreach. She is married to Deacon Ned Berghausen, a theology teacher and is the mother of four children. She enjoys cooking, traveling, gardening, singing in the church choir and spending time with family.