Though he doesn’t like to admit it, Nate Reuter is a Daytonian at heart. He grew up in the suburbs but eventually graduated from the University of Dayton with a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering. During undergrad, he co-oped at Wright Patt AFB with the Materials and Manufacturing Directorate. Discovering he didn’t like research, he landed a co-op with Shook Construction and never looked back. After receiving his degree, he took a 60-day trip out west visiting 18 states and 14 national parks, all the while living out of his VW Jetta. Upon returning to Ohio, he started a full-time position with Shook as a Project Engineer for the Water/Wastewater Division. Nate grew up as a cradle Catholic but did not start taking his faith seriously until he started attending Steubenville Youth Conferences. There have been ups and downs, but since then he’s been growing in his faith, staying involved in the Cincinnati/Dayton young adult crowd, and attending the occasional outreach or worship event. Most importantly, he’s had a core group of friends to rely on and keep him accountable. Most recently, Nate was able serve on mission in Thailand and is going back to serve this November!
Kayla Stucke graduated from The Ohio State University in Marketing with a minor in Communications Technology in 2013. Working at Shook Construction as a Marketing Content Manager, Kayla produces content for the company's internal and external communication efforts, including managing the website, intranet and social media; writing thought leadership, PR articles, and award submittals; taking photos; creating videos; and more. Though a cradle Catholic, Kayla spent many years away from her faith. Finding a community in her parish and YCP, Kayla began actively participating in her faith in 2018. This change led to a new passion to live her life on mission, where she discovered she feels closest to God when she is helping those less fortunate or sharing her Catholic faith. Feeling called to serve, Kayla became a licensed foster parent from 2020-2024, taking three children in her home during that time and leaving her forever changed. She has served on four mission trips – El Salvador (2023), Thailand (2024) and Cranks Creek, KY (2019 & 2023) – that have shifted her perspective on life and inspired her to share a new worldview. Kayla also served as President of YCP Columbus from Oct. 2021 – Feb. 2023 and is now the Board Chair. She is a parishioner at St. Brendan the Navigator Catholic Church in Hilliard.