Registration is closed for this event.
We have an exclusive opportunity for Belong and Belong+ Members!
The Fulcrum Foundation has invited YCP Seattle to the Fulcrum Foundation Board of Trustees Happy Hour on September 20 at the Washington Athletic Club! Join us for this opportunity to create new connections with some of the most successful and influential Catholic professionals in the Seattle area.
Join us!
Come belong to the nation's largest young professional Catholic network. Together we'll learn to live and share our Catholic faith through our daily work. Access member-exclusive events and more!
Fulcrum has an excellent networking opportunity for you!
You're invited to the Fulcrum Foundation Board of Trustees Happy Hour on September 20! Join the Fulcrum Board for the opportunity to meet and greet and to create new connections with some of the most successful and influential Catholic professionals in the Seattle area.
The Fulcrum Foundation is a nonprofit that supports the children and their families in the 72 schools in the Archdiocese of Seattle.
Sign up today or learn more about the event by speaking with Stephanie Singler, Fulcrum's engagement manager at the June Executive Panel Discussion.