Virtue Panel Discussion - Event Overview
We are excited to invite you all to YCP San Diego's first Virtue Panel Discussion, taking place on Tuesday Oct, 10. It is a free member event encouraging focused conversation about living virtuously in the workplace. Our panel will feature Angela Zautcke, Professor of Theology at Franciscan School of Theology; Deacon Jim Vargas, CEO of Father Joes Villages; and Deacon Keith Esshaki, CEO of GTC Systems, Inc. After the panel, we will break out into small groups for discussion.
Complimentary dinner and drinks will be provided (including beer, wine and seltzers).
Santa Sophia Catholic Church
9800 San Juan Street
Spring Valley, California
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Registration Details
Free for members
$20 for non-members
Non-members are cordially invited to this exclusive event for a $20 fee (either cash at the door or through our donation link), but are encouraged to become a member instead for only $36 a year to attend all our events for free and gain access to other member perks. Become a member here.
*The schedule has been updated as of 10/3 to include confession in place of mass & the panel now begins 15 minutes earlier than previously communicated.
Dress Code
Business Casual (click here for more details)
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