Jesus tells us, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel." With these and similar words, Jesus invited his contemporaries to a better life through deep repentance and conversion. During this time of Lent, we can take the time out of the busyness of daily life to reflect on and heed this call. Join us for our annual Lent retreat for a time of reflection on metanoia, repentance and conversion during this Lenten season.

The retreat will take place on Saturday March 29th at the Shrine of St. Joseph Shrine in Santa Cruz and will include talks by Fr. Matthew, small group discussion, and Adoration. There will also be opportunities for confession as well as spiritual direction with priests or trained lay spiritual directors. After the retreat, you are invited to Sala Thai for our annual post-Lent retreat dinner.

Create some quiet time for God this Lent and join us for our Lenten retreat in Santa Cruz! The Shrine of St. Joseph is on a cliff overlooking the Pacific ocean and has a garden in a beautiful prayerful setting. The shrine also has a new coffee shop, so make sure to stop by and grab a cup of coffee! It's the perfect environment for prayer and meditation.



  • 1:00 PM - Retreat Activities (talks, small groups, adoration, mass)
  • 6:00 PM - End of Retreat
  • 6:30 PM - Optional Dinner at Sala Thai

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Shrine of Saint Joseph
West Cliff Drive 544
Santa Cruz, California

See route

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