Looking for a community with a professional focus grounded in Catholic values? Your 20s and 30s can be a confusing and lonely time, but they don't have to be. Come and see. 

Attend a YCP event and join like-minded, mission-driven peers to find God in all things and seek excellence and joy in every area of your life.

YCP brings together young workers and seasoned business professionals in a variety of programs to foster Catholic identity, encourage community, and inspire action

Executive Panel Discussions are member-exclusive events promoting focused conversation about living virtuously in the workplace. Three panelists lead the discussion about a particular virtue and what it means to practice that virtue in daily life

After the panel, table leaders bring the discussion down to the individual level. At the end of the evening, a representative from each table shares their collective insights with the rest of the group

Non-members are cordially invited to this exclusive event.


  • 7:00 PM - Doors Open + Networking
  • 7:30 PM - Moderator Introduction and Opening Prayer
  • 8:25 PM - Small Group Discussion
  • 8:40 PM - Table Summaries
  • 8:50 PM - Closing + Prayer

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Come belong to the nation's largest young professional Catholic network. Together we'll learn to live and share our Catholic faith through our daily work. Access member-exclusive events and more!

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Our next Executive Panel Discussion will cover Justice. The discussion will explore how a proper respect for all life, from conception until natural death, is necessary for true justice.


Rev. Joseph Mominee


John O’Neill

Kelly Reed

Allison Stump

Students for Life Coordinator at Catholic Charities Diocese of Toledo


Saint Joseph Catholic Church
West Broadway Street 104

See route

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