Looking for a community with a professional focus grounded in Catholic values? Your 20s and 30s can be a confusing and lonely time, but they don't have to be. Attend a YCP event, joining like-minded and mission-driven peers to find God in all parts of life and seek excellence and joy. YCP brings together young workers and seasoned business professionals in various programs to foster Catholic identity, encourage community, and inspire action. 

Executive Panel Discussions promote focused conversation about living virtuously in the workplace. Three panelists discuss a particular virtue and what it means to practice it daily. After the panel, table leaders bring the discussion down to the individual level. At the end of the evening, a representative from each table shares their collective insights with the rest of the group.

Join us!

Belong to the nation's most prominent young professional Catholic network. Together, we'll learn to live and share our Catholic faith through our daily work. Access member-exclusive events and more!

Learn more

Discover how your faith can be a powerful force for professional excellence at our first Executive Panel Discussion. Explore tangible ways faith elevates work, moving beyond tasks to purpose, as St. Paul tells us, "Whatever your task, put yourselves into it, as done for the Lord and not for your human masters" (Colossians 3:23, RSV-CE).

This perspective fosters integrity and transforms work into service. We'll discuss how Christian values cultivate servant leadership and resilience, examining how faith reorients our focus to see our profession as a vocation. Join us to learn how authentic faith makes you a more effective and fulfilled professional.


Roberto Sanchez Mejorada

Chief Mission Officer at Qualfon

Beatrice Shakal

Masters in Public Administration and Policy Candidate at University of Georgia


Doors Open + Networking

Enjoy food and beverages and spend time with friends and colleagues before the event starts.

Opening Prayer + Moderator Introduction

Led by our chaplain or a visiting priest.

Panel Discussion
Roberto Sanchez MejoradaBeatrice Shakal

The moderator will ask the panelists a set of questions relevant to the topic.

  • Roberto Sanchez Mejorada (Chief Mission Officer at Qualfon)

    Roberto Sanchez Mejorada

    Chief Mission Officer at Qualfon
  • Beatrice Shakal (Masters in Public Administration and Policy Candidate at University of Georgia)

    Beatrice Shakal

    Masters in Public Administration and Policy Candidate at University of Georgia
Small Group Discussion

Moderated by Leadership Team Members at each table or group.

Table Summaries

Presented by any member of the group.

Closing Remarks + Prayer

We thank you for supporting YCP and hope you have a blessed rest of your evening.


St. Vincent de Paul Georgia
Chamblee Tucker Road 2050
Atlanta, Georgia

See route

Contact us

For additional event or venue information, please send an email to info@ycpatlanta.org

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