Attend the "Fully Alive" Family Renewal Project banquet with YCP! Register today to reserve your seat at a YCP table. The evening includes a cocktail social hour, complementary dinner, Damon Owens as the keynote speaker, and an opportunity to support the Family Renewal Project.

Damon Owens was the first executive director of the Theology of the Body Institute, 2018 recipient of the Benemerenti Papal Medal for this work supporting marriage and family, founder and executive director of Joyful Ever After, and National Parish Engagement Officer for Communio. 



  • 6:00 PM - Doors open + cocktail hour with cash bar
  • 7:00 PM - Program with a complementary dinner begins
  • 9:00 PM - Adjourn


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Mellwood Art Center
1860 Mellwood Ave. Louisville, KY 40206
Louisville, Kentucky

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