Come to YCP San Antonio's next Executive Speaker Series event and listen to our featured speaker, Rosalyn Collier, Co-Founder of the San Antonio peaceCENTER, as she discusses "Following Jesus' Path of Peace". How do we as Catholics live out our vocation in a world that does not seem to value his message of peace and compassion? Can we be agents of transformation, beginning with ourselves? How and where do we start?
The Executive Speaker Series is a free event open to the public in which executives share their career and faith journeys with young professionals, challenging them to "Work in Witness for Christ."
Attendees enjoy complimentary appetizers and have a chance to socialize before and after the evening's presentation.
Want to help out at our Executive Speaker Series event featuring Rosalyn Collier? These events aren't possible without volunteers from our community. We are looking for people to help with event setup, greeting attendees, taking photos, or cleaning up afterward. Sign up here:
Thank you for giving the gift of service to this community!