This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other YCP Atlanta events.

Looking for a community with a professional focus grounded in Catholic values? Your 20s and 30s can be a confusing and lonely time, but they don't have to be. Attend a YCP event, joining like-minded and mission-driven peers to find God in all parts of life to seek excellence and joy. YCP brings together young workers and seasoned business professionals in a variety of programs to foster Catholic identity, encourage community, and inspire action. 

Our Executive Speaker Series are YCP member-exclusive events in which executives share their career and faith journeys with young professionals, challenging them to "Work in Witness for Christ." Membership includes complimentary appetizers and beverages, giving a chance to socialize before and after the evening's presentation.



  • 7:00 PM - Doors open + networking
  • 7:45 PM - President's remarks + opening prayer
  • 7:50 PM - Executive speaker's address
  • 8:15 PM - Q + A session
  • 8:25 PM - Closing remarks + prayer


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Come belong to the nation's largest young professional Catholic network. Together, we will learn to live and share our Catholic faith through our daily work.


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Explore with us this fascinating topic: The Catholic Case for Excellence in Times of Disruption. We must cultivate a sense of excellence, professionally and personally. Average is over, and to compete in this disruptive economic environment, our careers - and our Church - needs to understand and implement a genuine excellence of action.

As an Associate Professor of English at Georgia State University, Dr. Paul John Voss, Ph.D. primarily teaches courses on poetry and prose of the English Renaissance, Shakespeare, and Bibliography. He encourages his students to appreciate the power and beauty of language while investigating the workings of the fictive imagination. In the classroom, Dr. Voss believes that academic pursuits need not preclude literary pleasure; he asks his students to participate actively in the exploration of aesthetic, philosophical, and epistemological questions.


Paul Voss

Associate Professor of English at Georgia State University


Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta
Lake Park Drive Southeast 2401
Smyrna, Georgia

The Chancery for the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta is the administrative office with a chapel and conference rooms for hosting various speakers and faith-based events.

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